2011年9月18日 星期日

Pocket Guide To The Cities Of Southern France - Us

pocket guide to the cities of southern france - us
pocket guide to the cities of southern france - us

About the only thing in this booklet that can be guaranteed is the terrain. The rest of it is up to the fortunes or misfortunes of war. Many of the towns and cities described here have been bombed and shelled by us as we approached, and shelled by the enemy as he retreated. And many of them will still show the marks of the destruction visited upon them when these lands were being conquered and occupied by the Germans. The short historical notes and city plans concerning most of the towns are correct as of the outbreak of the war. But the changes of war were still happening in many places when this pocket guide went to press. You may find that art treasures described and located in these pages have been looted or destroyed, or it may be years before those that can be restored are sights to see again. On the other hand, some of them, by a stroke of good fortune, may be left intact, and you will be able to enjoy them. And another thing: if some of these towns should be declared off limits, you'll bypass them, of course. Perhaps later, they may be open to you. Food and drink are discussed here, so that as times gradually return to normal, you may be guided in the tastes and customs of the country. But be sure that you are not encouraging a black market or bringing hardship to the native civilian population if you take advantage of what the town or region has to offer. You will receive direction from the proper authority in this matter. Anyhow, so far as your military duties permit, see as much as you can. You've got a great chance to do now, major expenses paid, what would cost you a lot of your own money after the war. Take advantage of it.--


