2011年9月19日 星期一

Metalmagic: Talisman - Derek Donais

metalmagic: talisman - derek donais
metalmagic: talisman - derek donais

"I just don't understand it. Sometimes it feels like there's energy all around me -- inside -- and I'm almost sure it's got to be the magic."

Fifteen-year-old Jaren Haldannon thinks he feels the call of metanduil, a special metal that enables sorcerers to wield magic. Despite his best efforts, though, he cannot find any evidence of an ability to use magic-metal. It is his older sister, Morgaine, who lays claim to this power -- so great is her potential that dark forces seek to capture her. To elude them, Jaren and Morgaine must flee their village.

The journey thrusts Jaren onto a path of self-discovery. For, although he cannot wield magic as others do, his is an even greater power, one unheard of except in obscure legends of old. Jaren is An'Valir, an individual who can summon magic without the use of metanduil. The trouble is, no one living can train him in the lost knowledge of An'Valir, and now he has attracted the attention of a powerful enemy ...


