2011年9月24日 星期六

Managing Your Home Office (home Office Survival Kit Series) - Deaver Brown

managing your home office (home office survival kit series) - deaver brown
managing your home office (home office survival kit series) - deaver brown

Managing Your Home Office is part of our Survival Kit series, less is more in the survival business. Managing Your Home Office pares down and sifts through the enormous amount of information available and provides only the essentials to run your office efficiently and effectively.

Most families have home offices but do not identify them formally. You should consider doing so even if it is just a corner in a studio apartment. This is the boiler room of your financial life. Use it wisely.

The author notes that single people almost always have a functional home office because they know what they leave on the desk or room will not be touched or moved. This is a good model for families. The home office should not be touched by others; no one should "borrow" the stapler, tape, or other such things. This seems like a small thing, the author says, but it is discouraging to find the office ransacked--especially because things are not returned as a rule, or, as the author says, people feel that way.

This is the kind of small non-technical advice the author suggests that can make your home office more effective
and peaceful for you.

The tracks:

1. General Approach
A. Build on your successes and strengths
B. Do the simple things first
C. Big projects next
D. Eliminating & simplifying activities

2. Setting Up Your Office For Success
A. Name your home office "the boiler room"
B. Lowest priority in most houses--change that thinking
C. Elegant to spend; inelegant to earn--change that thinking too
D. Positive impact on children & their life development
E. 6 Home Office rules

3. How to Outfit Your Home Office
A. Home PC
B. Essential software programs
C. Helpful software programs
D. Hardware
E. Furniture

4. Office Services
A. Supplies.
B. Transportation: Fedex, UPS, Post Office
C. Online bill paying
D. Incorporation & accounting
E. Internet, Phone & Fax
F. Website

5. How to Run Your Home Office
A. Showing up doesn't count
B. You get time--your employer or clients get performance
C. Saying in touch
D. Do it if you are a hard worker
E. Risks & rewards

7. Daily Procedure
A. Military example: clean up yourself, your area & we'll see
B. Priority tasks: those that hold up others
C. Keep in mind other people's routines
D. Use down times to get projects done
E. Circle around your work quickly, not in long loops
F. Other people handling your work or supporting you
G. End of day report: retail stores being the reporting model

8. What to Think About
A. Most difficult challenge of working at home
B. Second most difficult challenge
C. Third most difficult challenge
D. Fourth most difficult challenge
E. Benefits
F. Summary

9. Manager of Home Office Workers
A. Benefits for both sides--worker & employer
B. Staying connected--the home office worker challenge
C. Summary


