2011年9月26日 星期一

Frozen Memories - Stewart Thompson

frozen memories - stewart thompson
frozen memories - stewart thompson

Remembering things is a weird process. We all take it for granted but don’t actually understand it. In a computer you have a hard drive. In a camera you have a memory card. In your head you have a pile of mushy stuff with no obvious wiring arrangement. How is it possible that this mushy stuff manages to store so much information? This book contains an answer that is intuitively plausible but probably totally wrong.

Frozen Memories is a humorous science fiction novel based around the idea that memories are stored in biological structures that exist in freshwater lakes underneath the Antarctic ice sheet. Lake Vostok is a real example of one of these lakes. In the novel, the scientific exploration of this lake threatens one of the biological structures. This causes widespread effects upon human memories. A psychologist, a mining engineer, a neurosurgeon, a clairvoyant and a NASA scientist work together to drill through the ice and make contact with the structure. This leads to the discovery that they can not only improve human memory, they can also access the memories of everyone else. This enables them to solve crimes, find out who really did assassinate J.F. Kennedy, access government secrets, quickly learn foreign languages and win quizzes.


