2011年2月16日 星期三

User Post: Why I love Zumba so much...

At last Saturday's Zumba class, my fearless workout partner and I started talking to some of our comrades about what gets us out of bed on Saturday morning excited to go workout.  The answer was frighteningly simple.  It's fun.  As women of all shapes, sizes, races, and ages work our butts off in the dance studio each week, the hour passes ridiculously fast and we sweat, laugh, and generally just have a great time.

While exercising... I'll be honest, I've never thought that was possible.

It probably won't surprise you that I don't like to exercise very much.  Actually, I think that's true of a lot of people, overweight or not, but no one likes to admit that - it doesn't exactly make you sound like the picture of health.  Working out, no matter how great you feel afterward, can be a chore.  My ADD tendencies also cause me to get bored of an exercise routine easily and I have to find some way to change it up.

Well, my friends, all that changed when I discovered Zumba.  I'll admit, I was terrified at first.  Those of my readers that actually know me know that I am not the queen of grace and coordination.  I'm not super rhythmic, and I've definitely never have the self confidence to "shake what my Mama gave me," which, frankly, is a lot.  So before my first class I had a few heart palpitations, but I survived them.  And I tried it.  And I loved it.

I still do. And here's why - when you go to a Zumba class, you're welcomed.  It doesn't matter if you're a size 2 or a 22, they want you there.  And they want you to have fun.  No one watches you and thinks, "hmmm... she really shouldn't be doing that."  You go in there, you don't take yourself too seriously, dance, and you have a good time.

Oh, and you burn over 500 calories.  It was in a report released last week - totally worth looking silly, if that bothers you.

I'm never going to be a fitness nut.  It's just not in my wiring.  But by going to Zumba three times a week and eating well (better), I'm seeing results.  And I'm ecstatic.  So find a class and "Join the Party."  You'll be glad you did.  

heart palpitations, workout partner, shapes sizes, zumba, self confidence, exercise routine, dance studio, last saturday, comrades, saturday morning, butts, great time, tendencies, calories, good time, first class, coordination, mama, watches, nbsp


