2011年9月6日 星期二

Tirpitz And The Imperial German Navy - Patrick J. Kelly

tirpitz and the imperial german navy - patrick j. kelly
tirpitz and the imperial german navy - patrick j. kelly

"Patrick Kelly has written the first major scholarly biography of Tirpitz in English, based on detailed knowledge of vast archival material and an extensive historical literature. With great precision, Kelly's narrative integrates Tirpitz's naval and political careers with broader developments within the German Empire and the Weimar Republic. He also treats in detail the international politics of Wilhelmine arms policy, the naval race with Britain, and the ensuing First World War. This book can be thoroughly recommended to students of both German and naval history." -- Rolf Hobson, author of Imperialism at Sea: Naval Strategic Thought, the Ideology of Sea Power, and the Tirpitz Plan, 1875-1914

"Beyond its great interest for naval and military historians regardless of specialization, this work will be required reading for any... historian of the Second Reich and the interwar period... and for those fascinated by the eternal query, 'Who or what caused the outbreak of the First World War?'" -- Eric C. Rust, author of Naval Officers Under Hitler: The Story of Crew 34

"As both a definitive biography and detailed evaluation of the historiography of this period, Kelly has produced a compelling portrait of Tirpitz that balances the views of those scholars who have overestimated Tirpitz's rationality in political, social and military affairs with those who underestimated his opportunism." -- Keith Bird, author of Erich Raeder: Admiral of the Third Reich


