2012年4月29日 星期日

Chill factor

Most popular songs

1. Somebody That I Used to Know, Gotye

2. Payphone, Maroon 5

3. We Are Young, fun.

4. What Makes You Beautiful, One Direction

5. Boyfriend, Justin Bieber

6. Call Me Maybe, Carly

7. Rae JepsenWild Ones, Flo Rida

8. Glad You Came, The Wanted

9. Drive By, Train

10. Starships, Nicki Minaj

Tivo favorites

1. American Idol “Finalists Compete”

2. American Idol, “One Voted Off”

3. Dancing With the Stars, Mon.

4. The Good Wife

5. Dancing With the Stars, Tues.

Top video downloads

1. Jimmy Fallon-Obama slow jam

2. Obama at correspondents dinner

3. Protesters overturn police car


Kim Kardashian

Google trends

1. Correspondents dinner

2. Derrick Rose

3. Bernard Hopkins

4. Dan Savage

5. Cinco de Mayo

NY Post hot topics

1. Tragic van crash

2. Kim’s move to komedy

3. Pastor holds Koran-burning ceremony

4. Surface-to-air missiles for Olympics

5. William and Kate anniversary

American Idol, Justin Bieber6 ebook download, Jimmy Fallon-Obama, Nicki MinajTivo, Dancing With the Stars, Boyfriend, Derrick Rose3


